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Luiss Guido Carli

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Call for International Chairs, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

The University invites Luiss scholars and researchers to send their application by March 19, 2019


To enhance cooperation with academic institutions across the world, Luiss University promotes the exchange of faculty members. Luiss accepts applications from Luiss faculty members who wish to nominate outstanding scholars and researchers for up to 15 international chairs at Luiss Schools and Departments of:

  • Business and Management
  • Economics and Finance
  • Law
  • Political Science

During the mobility period, Luiss faculty members are called to enhance current partnerships or to establish new institutional cooperation between Luiss and other internationally renowned universities.


Only Luiss professors, in accordance with their Departments/Schools, may apply for this call, indicating the international counterpart (professor and university).

Applicants must provide the following information in regard to the prospective international chair holders:

  • Name
  • CV
  • Planned activities
    1. Teaching program
    2. Partnership development
  • Period during which the counterpart exchange would take place
  • Funding formula
  • Partnership development proposal

Incoming professors are expected to:

  • Stay at Luiss for a minimum of two weeks to up to four weeks. Longer visits can be arranged under special circumstances
  • Give lectures and seminars which are fully consistent with the purpose of the program

Please note that for each university only one outgoing international chair may be accepted.


An academic committee of Luiss professors will select the candidates. The committee will be chaired by the Deputy Rector for Internationalization.

The academic committee may suggest alternative academic partnerships depending on the proposed topic.


International chairs will be funded by both institutions. Each institution will preferably cover the costs of its own professor.

Remuneration by Luiss is regulated as follows.

Luiss professors

  • Junior: one-off payment of €2000 (gross) as compenso da maggior impegno sul ruolo + a maximum of € 1000 as reimbursement*
  • Senior: one-off payment of €3000 (gross) as compenso da maggior impegno sul ruolo”+ a maximum of € 2000 as reimbursement*

* To receive the reimbursements professors must provide all the necessary proofs of expenses, such as but not limited to: boarding passes and tickets, hotel receipts, restaurant receipts, taxis, etc.

Incoming professors

The contribution, subject to current tax legislation, will be as follows:

  • Junior: one single payment of maximum €3,000 (gross)**;
  • Senior: one single payment of maximum €5,000 (gross)**.

** Please note that no further reimbursement is provided.

The senior level requires a minimum of 8 years of post-doctoral experience or at least 8 years of full-time research experience after earning a degree allowing admission to a doctorate. The junior level requires less than 8 years of post-doctoral experience or a maximum of 8 years of full-time research experience after earning a degree allowing admission to a doctorate.

Visiting periods at Luiss

  • Fall 2019: Mid-September 2019 – Mid-December 2019;
  • Spring 2020: Mid-February 2020 – Mid-May 2020.

Important dates

  • Application deadline March 19, 2019
  • Publication of selection results by April 5, 2019

How to apply

Interested Luiss professors must submit, by the deadline indicated above, the following documents to

  • Application form***
  • Curriculum vitae of the proposed incoming professor
  • Curriculum vitae of the proposed Luiss outgoing researcher/professor
  • Declaration of interest and authorization to the processing of personal data (also via email) by the proposed incoming international chair

*** The application should include all the information about the proposed holder of the international chair and of the proposed Luiss faculty member going to the university abroad.

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