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Luiss Guido Carli

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QTEM Masters Network

The QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management network) Master’s program presents a challenging opportunity for outstanding students willing to develop skills in analytical and quantitative techniques and decision-making in an international context.

After completing the program, students will receive the QTEM supra-national certificate issued by the QTEM network on top of the Master’s degree issued by Luiss University.


image-5 Mar 2013 - 4:47pmDetails regarding prerequisites for participation, the application procedure, the selection process, deadlines, and further information, are contained in the call for applications.

Luiss call for applications: timing


Publication of the callDecember 9, 2019 at 1:00 PM
Apply for the program starting fromJanuary 7, 2020
Deadline to apply January 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Deadline to register to the English Language Test TBD
Selection Interviews February 6-10, 2020 TBC
Selection results February 11 - 12, 2020 TBC
Confirmation of participation within one working day
Confirmation from QTEM’s Central Office of the destinations for the Fall semester of the 2019/2020 academic year TBC
Luiss Admission TestTBC
Orientation meeting for the Fall semester TBC
Deadline for submitting the final
GMAT/GRE score, for selected students who handed in the application without the GMAT/GRE certificate
mid-May 2020

image-23 Nov 2018 - 5:26pm

While every effort will be made to provide students with complete, accurate and timely information, Luiss reserves the right to change, amend, modify or revoke the aforementioned program.

Luiss is not responsible for any cancellation or modification due to events beyond its control. If the program is cancelled or modified for these reasons, Luiss will inform all interested students in a timely manner.