In 2019, Luiss won 13 relevant grants at national and international level in all fields of social sciences.
Luiss projects receiving awards are:
- Horizon 2020, ERC – Advanced Grant – Fabiano Schivardi, "ISEProD, Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence";
- Horizon 2020, Twinning WIDESPREAD – Luca Giustiniano, "EUFORPP: Developing a European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism", a project with a strong impact on the European economy and society;
- MISE- Italian Ministry of Economic Development – Paolo Spagnoletti, "CYBER 4.0", a project for a highly specialized Center of expertise on cybersecurity in companies;
- INdAM, GNAMPA 2019 – Marco Scarsini, the National Institute of High Mathematics funded a Luiss research activity on real analysis, measure theory and probability;
- 9 PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest, as a financing program promoted by MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Research) – Edition 2017.
Luiss PRIN Projects are:
- Information, firm’s performance and workers’ careers - Fabiano Schivardi
- The Time-Space Evolution of Economic Activities: Mathematical Models and Empirical Applications - Fausto Gozzi
- The Constitutional Implications of European Separatist Claims - Cristina Fasone
- AHeAD: efficient Algorithms for HArnessing networked Data - Giuseppe Italiano
- Administrative Reforms: Policies, Legal Issues and Results - Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella
- Artificial Intelligence and Legal Studies Perspectives. Are the Algorithmic Decision-making Data Driven Predictions Calling for a New Legal Framework? A Focus on Financial and Labour Markets Highlighting Protection of Rights and Wealth Distribution - Giuseppe Melis
- Deceit and Self-deception. How We Should Address Fake News and Other Cognitive Failures of the Democratic Public - Gianfranco Pellegrino
- The Challenge of Interlegality: A New Perspective on Law - Giovanni Piccirilli
- Algorithms, Games and Digital Markets - Marco Scarsini