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Luiss Guido Carli

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Luiss wins national and international research grants

In 2019, the University won 13 national and international grants


In 2019, Luiss won 13 relevant grants at national and international level in all fields of social sciences. 

Luiss projects receiving awards are:

  • Horizon 2020, ERC  Advanced Grant – Fabiano Schivardi, "ISEProD, Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence";
  • Horizon 2020, Twinning WIDESPREAD – Luca Giustiniano, "EUFORPP: Developing a European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism", a project with a strong impact on the European economy and society;
  • MISE- Italian Ministry of Economic Development – Paolo Spagnoletti, "CYBER 4.0", a project for a highly specialized Center of expertise on cybersecurity in companies;
  • INdAM, GNAMPA 2019 – Marco Scarsini, the National Institute of High Mathematics funded a Luiss research activity on real analysis, measure theory and probability;
  • 9 PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest, as a financing program promoted by MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Research) – Edition 2017.

Luiss PRIN Projects are:

  • Information, firm’s performance and workers’ careers - Fabiano Schivardi
  • The Time-Space Evolution of Economic Activities: Mathematical Models and Empirical Applications - Fausto Gozzi
  • The Constitutional Implications of European Separatist Claims - Cristina Fasone
  • AHeAD: efficient Algorithms for HArnessing networked Data - Giuseppe Italiano
  • Administrative Reforms: Policies, Legal Issues and Results - Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella
  • Artificial Intelligence and Legal Studies Perspectives. Are the Algorithmic Decision-making Data Driven Predictions Calling for a New Legal Framework? A Focus on Financial and Labour Markets Highlighting Protection of Rights and Wealth Distribution - Giuseppe Melis
  • Deceit and Self-deception. How We Should Address Fake News and Other Cognitive Failures of the Democratic Public - Gianfranco Pellegrino
  • The Challenge of Interlegality: A New Perspective on Law - Giovanni Piccirilli
  • Algorithms, Games and Digital Markets - Marco Scarsini