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Luiss Guido Carli

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Call for expression of interest for 23 tenure-track and tenured positions

Submissions are due by September 2


Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for the following 23 positions at different levels and in different key areas:

This recruitment campaign is part of the Luiss 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, aimed at strengthening the University's reputation for excellence in research and high-quality teaching. We are searching for passionate colleagues to join Luiss University's Schools and Departments, where collaborative spirit and intellectual curiosity are highly valued.


We seek scholars of the highest profile, with a strong commitment to research and teaching, who share our passion for the social sciences and intend to contribute to the international growth of Luiss through top-level research. Successful candidates will be – or show a drive to become – leading academics in their fields. They will be ambitious yet collegial scholars, able to develop research projects and engage in the academic environment of Luiss, contributing to the University's further development and visibility. Each position offers the opportunity to launch new research streams while teaching on preferred subjects. Luiss is particularly interested in attracting scholars who have submitted – or are in the process of developing – a proposal to apply for a European Research Council (ERC) Grant.

Submissions are due by September 2, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2

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