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Luiss Guido Carli

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Summer University launches Connecting Europe with China along the Silk Road

Students have until June 20 to apply


Luiss University in partnership with Renmin University of China organizes an intensive two-week Summer University course.

The new Summer University program focuses on the relationship between Europe and China and the opportunities of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The first week focuses on major trends in Europe-China cooperation with a focus on China-Italy relations, Italian culture and diplomacy as well as security and international financial cooperation.

The second week adopts a cross-industry approach, analysing innovation strategies performed by leading Italian companies in different industries: fashion, traditional design, design-tech (automotive, yachting, hi-tech), food and beverage.

Participants in the program will increase their knowledge about China's relations with Italy, their distinctive features, historical evolution, as well as Italy’s most significant business sectors. 

Applications for this program close on Thursday June 20, 2019.

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