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Luiss Guido Carli

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Results from the first two years of the RoME Masters in Economics

Graduates of the program have been accepted to PhD programs from top universities


June 2019 marks the end of the first edition of the Rome Masters in Economics (RoME), a two-year program offered by the Luiss Department of Economics and Finance and EIEF - a research institution sponsored by the Bank of Italy. RoME is an honors program for a small number of driven and talented students, selected from all over the world. It is challenging and interactive, with emphasis on quantitative and methodological aspects, and is designed to prepare students for international PhD programs in Economics and Finance or for careers in the private sector and policy institutions.

The first graduating class of students, completing the program in June 2019, is made up of nine students, five from abroad, representing Russia, South America and the United Kingdom. The second class, which began their studies in 2018, is composed of 16 students, with nearly half from outside Italy. Future classes will remain small, with no more than twenty students admitted to the program, in order to guarantee fruitful interaction among students as well as intense and personalized instruction.

The first graduates of RoME have been granted admission to several PhD programs in the United States, from the University of Chicago, Princeton University, Columbia University, MIT Sloan, the Kellogg School of Management, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Minnesota, Boston University, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of California at San Diego, Boston College, Cornell University, and Brown University. Students who restricted their search to European PhD programs received offers of admission from University College London, the European University Institute, Imperial College, the Swiss Finance Institute, the University of Mannheim, and Bocconi University. Two students opted for careers in the private sector, receiving job offers from Oliver Wyman, an international consulting firm where they performed summer internships.

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