Luiss benefits of 1 Erasmus Teaching grants for A.Y. 2018-2019, to be allocated to one of the following faculty members who are currently working at Luiss:
- Adjunct professor
- Assistant professor
- Associate professor
- Full professor
- Senior Lecturer
Grant is exclusively assigned for a period of teaching abroad within a mobility with a Luiss Erasmus Partner Institutions for teaching assignment.
How to apply
Professors are kindly asked to submit to by Sunday April 14, 2019:
- Application form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Declaration of interest from the partner university
A specific academic Commission will be created, in order to decide upon the selected candidates. The Commission will evaluate the applications within the end of April 2019.
Priority will be given to applications according to the following criteria:
- Mobility in which the teaching period of the Professor will be fully integrated in the Host Institution study program;
- Mobility which will be used to consolidate and enlarge relationships among departments and faculties, and to prepare future cooperation projects.
Moreover, the academic Commission will positively consider:
- Application from professors who did not previously take part to mobility programs;
- Application for mobility towards LUISS potential advanced strategic partner universities;
Financial Rules
- The total amount available for the one grant can be maximum € 1.043,00
- Mobility for Teaching Staff without grants are also allowed by the Programme
Please note:
The grant will be the sum of the contribution of stay and the contribution for travel expenses. The contribution of stay is calculated based on a fixed-rate chart, depending on the admissible length of stay (number of days). On this amount, the contribution for travel expenses will be added, calculated on the basis of a fixed-rate chart, depending on the distance traveled. The travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator available on the Erasmus+ website.This information is available in the professor/home institution agreement, available in the links below.
Beneficiaries proceeding on Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility should retain boarding cards/train tickets/other travel tickets which need to be submitted along with the documentation of the mobility.
Travel arrangements not directly related to the Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility such as travel to conferences or any other visits before/after the Erasmus+ mobility will not be considered eligible.
Important dates
- Application deadline April 14, 2019
- Publication of selection results within April 30, 2019
- The period abroad must be done by September 10, 2019
Important details for the mobility period
The mobility period must last a minimum of 2 days of activity and a maximum of 5 days of activity (the days of activity must be consecutive).
The teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours of lecture. Before departing the Professor (categories indicated above) will prepare the Staff Mobility for Teaching Mobility Agreement a Teaching Programme indicating objectives, the added value of the mobility, the teaching content and expected outcome, to be presented and signed by both the Home and Host institution, to be eligible for the Programme.
It will be requested to sign an Agreement with the Home Institution.
During the mobility, the Professor must receive the Certificate stating the duration, the hours, and scope of the mobility issued by the Host institution.
At the end of the mobility, within 30 days of returning, the professor will prepare a report on the goals achieved by filling out an online questionnaire. Please kindly note that the grant will not be issued without completing all necessary documents.