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Luiss Guido Carli

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The Rt Hon. Helen Clark visits Luiss

On February 25, 2019 at 9:30 a.m., in the Aula Toti of the Viale Romania Campus


In cooperation with the Embassy of New Zealand, Luiss is glad to announce the visit of Helen Clark, 37th Prime Minister of New Zealand (from 1999 to 2008) and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme from 2009 to 2017.  

In the framework of the Luiss initiatives for internationalization, the Department of the Political Science invited Helen Clark for a conversation with students, moderated by Professor Raffaele Marchetti, Deputy Rector for Internationalization.

The visit will be an opportunity to discuss her unique experience at the heights of both national politics and the international multilateral system.



Introduction and moderation by Professor Raffaele Marchetti


Conversation with Rt Hon. Helen Clark and Q&A


End of the event