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Luiss Guido Carli

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Call for expressions of interest for 19 positions

LUISS University invites scholars to express their interest for positions in Data Science, Economics, Law, Management, Political Science, and Statistics

LUISS University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for 19 positions in the areas of Data Science, Economics, Law, Management, Political Science, and Statistics. This recruitment campaign is part of a major international expansion initiative aimed at strengthening LUISS reputation for excellence in research and high quality teaching. 

Department of Business and Management

  • Assistant Professor in Banking and Corporate Finance
  • Associate Professor in Banking and Corporate Finance
  • Associate or Full Professor in Organisation Studies (Organisational Behaviour)
  • Associate or Full Professor in Organisation Studies (Leadership)
  • Associate or Full Professor in Management (Creative Industries)
  • Associate or Full Professor in Entrepreneurship
  • Full Professor in Algorithmic Data Analysis (Computer Science) 

Department of Economics and Finance

  • Assistant Professor in Economics (Macro-Finance)
  • Assistant Professor in Economics (Microeconomics, Behavioural Economics, and Finance)
  • Associate or Full Professor in Econometrics
  • Associate or Full Professor in Statistics
  • Full Professor in Economics 

Department of Law

  • Assistant Professor in Private Comparative Law
  • Associate or Full Professor in Italian Private Law 

Department of Political Sciences

  • Assistant Professor in Administrative Law
  • Assistant Professor in Political Science
  • Assistant Professor in Sociology of Communication
  • Associate Professor in History of International Relations
  • Full Professor in Political Science 

About the University

Located in the heart of Rome, LUISS specializes in the Social Sciences to educate over 8,000 students from around the world. Since its founding, LUISS has developed privileged relationships with the business community – through its partnership with Confindustria, the Italian largest industry association – as well as with the legal practice, the institutions of government, and civil society. LUISS University's educational approach is interdisciplinary and problem-led. With over 200 international academic partnerships, LUISS offers dual degrees with international universities in Europe, North America, and East Asia.

Candidates profile

We seek academics of the highest calibre, with a strong commitment to research and teaching, and the aspiration to contribute to the University's international expansion. Successful candidates will show a passionate drive to become leading scholars in their own field: each position offers the opportunity to launch new research streams while teaching on preferred subjects. 

More information

Closing date: May 1, 2017