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Luiss Guido Carli

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Summer Entrepreneurship Program - Innovate Rome

Innovate Rome is a summer entrepreneurship program offered to secondary school students by the LUISS Summer School and LUISS EnLabs


Innovate Rome, a three-week summer entrepreneurship program offered by the LUISS Summer School and LUISS EnLabs, teaches secondary school students from around the world how to create successful businesses. At LUISS EnLabs, participants will work alongside university instructors and young entrepreneurs in a simulated process of launching a company – including creating effective teams; incubating and formulating a workable product idea; drafting an initial business plan; conducting market analysis; assessing and attracting resources; making a successful pitch to investors; and building a sustainable, growth-oriented business. Students will also attend classes such as Creative Industries and Business Model Innovation; Marketing; Management of Innovation; Entrepreneurship and Technology; International Business; and Fashion and Luxury Management.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to visit important Italian companies such as Ferrari, Armani and Bulgari, as well as well-known Roman sites and museums.

Dates and cost

The program, aimed at students (ages 16-18) entering the 11th and 12th grades, as well as recent high school graduates, runs from July 19 – August 7, 2015 and costs $6900, not including transportation.

More information