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Luiss Guido Carli

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LLM Educational Program with the University of California - Hastings College of the Law

The LLM Educational Program with the University of California - Hastings College of the Law (UC Hastings) is a challenging opportunity for Luiss students currently enrolled in the fourth year of the Luiss single-cycle Master’s degree program in Law - specific majors. After its completion, Luiss students will obtain a Master’s degree in Law issued by Luiss University and the LLM Degree issued by UC Hastings.

The Hastings College of Law was founded in 1878 as the first Law department of the University of California and is one of the most exciting and vibrant legal education centers in the nation. Situated in the heart of San Francisco’s Civic Center, UC Hastings offers access to every level of the judicial system, with the only exception of the U.S. Supreme Court.



The program gives a solid and international preparation in several areas of Law, pursuing an LLM in U.S. Legal Studies.

Participant students may choose to specialize in one of the following areas and receive an LLM and a Certificate of Specialization upon graduation:

  • Criminal Law
  • Dispute Resolution and Legal Process
  • Environmental Law
  • Health Law and Policy
  • International Business and Trade
  • International Law and Human Rights
  • Science, Technology & Intellectual Property
  • Taxation

Prospective LLM-EP students may review a list of courses in the UC Hastings Course Catalog.  Please note that some courses (particularly seminars) may not be offered each year.

UC Hastings' faculty is comprised of a diverse and exciting group of outstanding teachers and nationally acclaimed scholars.

The breadth and depth of the curriculum enable students to master the complexity of contemporary legal doctrines and gain the theoretical tools necessary to re-conceptualize entire fields of law. UC Hastings graduates are ready to take on the challenges of a changing economy and the global practice of law.

The program is a tuition-paying program. In addition to Luiss tuition fees, students participating in this program also pay tuition fees to UC Hastings with a 50% discount, hence the final tuition payable to UC Hastings, for Luiss students, for the 2020-21 academic year is $23,750 TBC.

Please note that tuition does not include living expenses.


Who can apply

Students enrolled in the fourth year of the single-cycle Master’s program in Law. According to their major, students can apply for:

  • an LL.M. program in Dispute Resolution and Legal Process, open to students majoring in Diritto Civile;
  • an LL.M. program in Environmental Law, open to students majoring in Diritto Amministrativo and in Law and Innovation;
  • an LL.M. program in International Business and Trade, open to students majoring in Diritto Civile, Diritto ed Economia delle Imprese, Diritto Internazionale and Diritto Societario e Tributario;
  • an LL.M. program in Health Law and Policy, open to students majoring in Diritto Amministrativo and in Law and Innovation;
  • an LL.M. program in International Law and Human Rights, open to students majoring in Diritto Internazionale;
  • an LL.M. program in Taxation, open to students majoring in Diritto Societario e Tributario.

Available slots

Every year a total of 5 students can take part in the program.

How to apply

The call for applications is published on December 9, 2019 and applications can be submitted until January 31, 2020. Candidates are required to submit the following:

  • Application form
  • English language certificate
  • ID card
  • Motivation letter
  • Photo in JPG Format
  • Curriculum vitae / résumé


Candidates for this program should have the following requirements:

  • Weighted average grade equal to or above 27/30;
  • Credits: at least 180 ECTS by the application deadline;
  • The student must have a high level of English proficiency: a minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based), or 90 (iBT); or a minimum IELTS score of 7.0.

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Selection procedure

Luiss University will select a short list of candidates based on a non-disputable evaluation of the academic profile and the motivation of the student. Further details about the selection process would be published along with the Call publication.

Results will be communicated to UC Hastings which reserves the right to make the final choice.

Additional rules

  • The participation to this program will provide additional points to the final grade of the Master’s degree, according to Luiss rules.
  • Students will be able to participate only if they are in regular time frame and have no pending administrative issues with Luiss.
  • Exams passed at UC Hastings will be transferred to the Luiss career according to the study plan. It is not possible to request an official renounce of the grades registration.
  • Luiss student at UC Hastings will be designated as “Special Status Students”, they will award the LLM Degree after achieving all the requirements to obtain the Luiss single-cycle Master’s degree in Law (all exams must be finished) and graduating at Luiss.

Luiss call for applications: timing

Publication of the callDecember 9, 2019 at 1:00 PM
Apply for the program starting fromJanuary 7, 2020
Deadline to applyJanuary 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Selection InterviewsFebruary 20, 2020 TBC
Selection ResultsFebruary 24, 2020 TBC
Confirmation of participationwithin one working day

While every effort will be made to provide students with complete, accurate and timely information, Luiss reserves the right to change, amend, modify or revoke the aforementioned program.

Luiss is not responsible for any cancellation or modification due to events beyond its control. If the program is cancelled or modified for these reasons, Luiss will inform all interested students in a timely manner.