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Luiss Guido Carli

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Double Degree in International Business with HSE

The Double Degree in International Business with the Higher School of Economics (HSE) is a challenging two-year program taught entirely in English, aimed at 1st year Master's students in Management, major in International Management.

Students who complete the program will earn a Master’s degree in Management issued by Luiss University and a Master’s degree in Management issued by the Higher School of Economics (HSE).

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The Double Degree program in International Business with HSE represents a unique blend of business studies and international relations. During the second year of the Master's Degree, to be spent in Moscow at HSE - ranked as the first university in Russia in the fields of Business and Management, students will enrich their academic path with practical courses and through real-life consulting projects and specific modules about doing business in Russia and Asia. Being located in Moscow, one of the biggest European cities, the program offers the opportunity to benefit from a close connection with the Italian corporate and industrial community in the city.

The program is structured as follows:image-17 Mar 2017 - 2:34pm

  • the first year is carried out at Luiss;
  • the second year is carried out at HSE. 

After completing the program, students receive two diplomas: 

  • Master’s degree in Management issued by Luiss University;
  • Master’s degree in Management issued by Higher School of Economics (HSE). 

Luiss students will be registered at Luiss during their time at HSE and will continue to pay tuition fees at Luiss. Students will be exempted from paying tuition fees at HSE. 

If compliant with both universities’ rules and conditions, as for credits envisaged, attendance, deadlines, academic integrity, etc., participating students will receive two degrees, which will be issued according to each university’s procedures.

Who can apply

Students enrolled in their first year of the LUISS Master's program in Management, major in International Management, can apply to this program.

Available slots

Every year 5 students can take part in the program.

Academic coordinator: Professor Luigi Marengo


The selection for this program is open to students enrolled in the final year of their Bachelor’s degree program (or recent graduates) who intend to register for the Master’s program in Management, major in International Management, in the 2019-2020 academic year. In case of doubts about the documents to upload or to get further information about the requested documents, students are invited to contact the International Development Office before the application deadline.

Students who are selected for a Double Degree program have to respect the relevant study plan. They need to accept all the changes listed in the study plan, especially with reference to the languages and other activities.


Candidates for this program should have the following requirements:

  • Weighted average grade equal to or above 26/30;
  • having passed at least 2 exams, among core courses, within the official extraordinary Winter exam session of the a. y. 2019-20.

As for English, students must possess at least a B2 level (European Framework of Reference), to be proved by one of the following certifications:

  • FCE grade B or superior;
  • IELTS equal or above 6.5;
  • TOEFL iBT equal or above 75;
  • Accademia linguistica Trinity School di Roma;
  • certificate released by the Luiss Language Center;
  • Bachelor's Degree entirely taught in English;
  • International Secondary School Diploma (IB).

Luiss call for applications: timing

Publication of the callDecember 9, 2019 at 1:00 PM
Apply for this program starting fromJanuary 7, 2020
Deadline to applyJanuary 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Selection interviewTBD
Selection resultsTBD
Confirmation of participationWithin one working day

While every effort will be made to provide students with complete, accurate and timely information, Luiss reserves the right to change, amend, modify or revoke the aforementioned program.

Luiss is not responsible for any cancellation or modification due to events beyond its control. If the program is cancelled or modified for these reasons, Luiss will inform all interested students in a timely manner.