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Luiss Guido Carli

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H&M Recruiting day


Friday 6 March 2020 - 3.30 pm Luiss, Viale Romania, 32 

Luiss Language Café 


  • Vania Cobianchi, Recruitment Manager
  • Daniele Grassetti, Merchandise Manager and former student at Luiss
  • Edoardo Di Donato, Area Controller

A Q&A session will follow the presentation. ​

The event is open to bachelor graduates, and to all master's degree students that currently are enrolled in the Business and Management Department.

This is a limited-enrollment event.

Students’ CVs will be collected at the end of the presentation. Please bring with you an updated version of your CV, preferably in English.

To register, please apply on the Career Center in the Event Section.

About H&M: The business idea of H&M is "Fashion and quality at the best price in a sustainable way". The H&M group is one of the biggest fashion companies in the world, with more than 177.000 employees, in over 73 markets. H&M group also includes COS, Weekday, Monki, ARKET, &Other Stories, H&M Home and Afound.