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Luiss Guido Carli

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Luiss meets PwC: Edge Graduate Programme for EMEA - Sharpen your knowledge, shape your future


Edge, The PwC graduate programme for EMEA

Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at 4.30 pm

Room 305B - Luiss University Viale Romania, 32


Giovanni Poggio, Partner Deals Transaction Services

Ignazio Cirillo, Director Deals Transaction Services

Paloma Mardon Pérez: Human Capital Deals 

Representatives of the company will introduce the three-years Edge Graduate Programme, the only way to take part to the PwC Deals. "We call it Edge, because it's cutting-edge. It gives you the edge you need to become an international, well-rounded, well-networked Deals professional."

PwC Deals is a Service Line involved in Financial Consulting for exceptional operations. Its aim is to help organisations execute successful deals and create value through mergers, acquisitions, disposals and restructuring.

Students who are interested in taking part to the event shall register through the University Platform Career Center.

The Graduate Programme is open to DIM and DEF students.

Especially appreciated profiles include students from: Business Administration, Economics and Management, Corporate Finance and Project & Infrastructure Finance departments.

A three-year graduate programme tailored by PwC across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) tolaunch your career in an international Deals environment. Featuring a blend of international development opportunities, rotations inat least three Deals business units, online regular, professional andtechnical learning and the support to complete a professional qualification (where relevant).

To learn more about the Edge programme

Brochure PwC_Edge Graduate Programme Deals (2).pdf3.72 MB