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Luiss Guido Carli

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Novo Nordisk Graduate Programme. Looking for the first step towards a life-changing career?


Nov.12th 2019 at 10:30-13:30

room 104, Luiss University Viale Romania 32

Looking for the first step towards a life-changing career? 

Then look no further. As a successful global pharmaceutical company and the world leader in diabetes care, Novo Nordisk are looking for tomorrow’s key people to join our 2-year global Graduate Programme – an exciting learning journey that will help you discover your potential, experience different cultures and make an impact through rotations in diverse teams across the organization!

During the programme, you will gain a deep understanding of our company, our business, and our company values. You will be included in and drive global and national projects, as well as build a strong international network of professional and dedicated colleagues.

After successfully completing the programme, you will have the necessary professional and personal skills to embark on your global career with a position at Novo Nordisk – perhaps as a project manager, brand or product manager, internal consultant or executive assistant.

About the Novo Nordisk Graduate Programme:

  • 3 to 4 Departmental rotations (depending on track)
  • At least one international rotation in one of our 80 affiliate offices
  • Training for both professional and personal development / Mentoring from programme manager and daily manager
  • Exposure to upper management
  • HQ and international networking
  • Full-time
  • Competitive Salary


  • Kristian Kromann, Global Business Processes
  • Adam Roberto Cilio Burman, European Finance
  • Max Bryan Maurhofer, Global Finance

To whom it is addressed:

  • A relevant master’s degree from 2019 or 2020
  • Above average academic achievements
  • International experience
  • Relevant work experience or extracurricular activities obtained next to your studies
  • Professional fluency in English, who are globally mobile
  • A team-player mindset, excellent communication skills, high drive and an eagerness to learn.

Applications open Nov.13th until January 8th

Relevant Graduate Tracks based on presenters:

Finance & Procurement 

Business, Marketing, HR & Market Access:

In order to take part in the event, you need to subriscibe in our Luiss Career Services under the “events” section

The graduate programme will open on the 13th of November.

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