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Luiss Guido Carli

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Luiss Brussels Days - Fourth Edition, November 26-27, 2019 - Brussels


Time to register to the Luiss Brussels Days 2019! 

The deadline to fill in the application will be the 8th of November 2019. 

The 4th edition of the Luiss Brussels Days, organized by the Brussels Liaison Office and the Career Services Office, will be hosted on November 26th and 27th in Brussels at the Confindustria Delegation to the EU (Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1).

This international career expo will allow Luiss students and young graduates to find out about professional opportunities in Brussels, to meet representatives of the European Institutions, International Organizations, NGOs, companies and firms operating in Belgium, and to exchange ideas regarding their professional goals. 

The aim of this program is to promote the aspiration to live and work at the heart of Europe.

The first day will be dedicated to different activities.

In the afternoon, officials from the European Commission will meet the participants during a presentation of the EPSO test and of atypical traineeships in the European Institutions. Alternatively, two company visits will be organized.

During the second day, students and graduates will first participate to a job fair, where they will meet Brussels-based employers that will answer their questions. In the afternoon, a few of these employers will be involved in the activity “Assess your strategy”. During a series of assessment tables, students and graduates will be presented with a simulation of a recruitment process and with practical problems to solve and will have a chance to receive an immediate feedback regarding their strategy in the labour market. 

Moreover, an event will be organized in the evening of November 26th together with the Luiss Alumni Association. This will be a very good chance to directly interact and network with senior graduates currently living and working in Brussels. 

Please note that the event is reserved to Luiss students and recent graduates, including Luiss Schools. Due to the limited amount of space for this program, meeting the eligibility criteria will not guarantee admission.

Candidates not based in Brussels will need to arrange their own transportation.

Students and recent graduates that are willing to take part to the event, will need to fill in the form that they will find at the following link:  

You will find all detailed information regarding the application and the full program of the event in the attached file below. 

Confirmed participants, among others:

  • ABInBev
  • Acumen Public Affairs
  • Burson Cohn & Wolfe
  • CIA Bruxelles (Confederazione agricoltori italiani)
  • Confindustria EU
  • Concilius Europe
  • DEKRA e.V
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young
  • European Commission
  • FeBaf
  • Ferrero Group
  • FleishmanHillard Inc
  • ISS - Institutional Shareholder Services
  • Must & Partners
  • Regione Campania
  • Studio Legale BonelliErede e Lombardi
  • Studio Legale Grimaldi
  • Studio Legale ONTIER
  • Think Young
  • Unioncamere Europa
  • UTOPIA, Public, Media & Legal Affairs
  • World Fair Trade Organization

Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1 – 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels

Luiss Brussels Liaison Office – Confindustria Delegation to the EU

Contact information