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Luiss Guido Carli

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CISCO Recruiting Day - CSAP (Cisco Sales Associates Program)


Mercoledì, 20 novembre 2019

ore 14.30 aula 205A Luiss, Viale Romania 32


  • Ciro Esposito, CISCO Account Manager
  • Lorenzo Canali,CISCO Distributor Account Manager
  • Valentina Polli, CISCO Customer Engagement Manager

Al termine Q&A e raccolta CVs dei presenti in sala  

CSAP Description:

Have you ever thought of joining an international IT group? Do you consider innovation as the key for success?

Cisco, the world leader in digital transformation, IT and networks will be on Campus on March 1st. If you would like to discover how technology drives Cisco activities and learn about opportunities we are offering to new graduates, come and join us! We are recruiting our future Associate Sales Representatives and Associate Solutions Engineers as part of our graduate program starting next July. This program will last one year consisting of a training on Cisco products and technologies to become a trusted advisor to our customers. You will work closely with our clients, helping them solving their technology challenges and supporting them in achieving their business outcomes. The goal of this program is to give an opportunity to students who freshly graduated to enter a big multinational company and get trained to gain new competencies

You don’t know if your profile is fitting with what Cisco is looking for? Here are the criteria we identified as key to integrate our Graduate program:

  • Technology enthusiast, who enjoys talking about innovation and always keeps up with the latest technology news.
  • A strong communicator with the confidence to engage and talk to a wide range of people.
  • View team collaboration as instrumental to achieving success.
  • Enjoy looking at practical real life challenges and thinking creatively to solve them.
  • Approach situations with an open and curious mind, taking on challenges with an eye for opportunity.
  • Fluent in English.

L'evento è aperto agli studenti magistrali e laureati DIM e DEF, con ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese. Al termine della presentazione i referenti aziendali accoglieranno i CVs dei laureati e studenti presenti in sala. Si richiede di portare una copia aggiornata del proprio CV preferibilmente in lingua inglese.

Vi ricordiamo l'importanza della puntualità per accedere ai posti in sala, è consigliato un abbigliamento formale. In caso di superamento degli accrediti disponibili, l'organizzazione non garantisce i posti a sedere per tutti. Per partecipare all'evento è obbligatorio registrarsi sulla piattaforma Career Center nella sezione eventi.