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Luiss Guido Carli

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Recruiting Day FATER - Posizioni aperte in Area Marketing & Finance


Mercoledì, 20 marzo 2019 ore 10:30 presso il Luiss LOFT di Viale Romania l'ufficio Luiss Career Services organizza il Recruiting Day FATER.

Intervento a cura di Ornella Brindesi, Italy TS Manager FATER 

Posizioni aperte nelle aree:

  • Trade Marketing
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Marketing

L'evento è aperto a tutti gli studenti del I e II anno Magistrale DIM e DEF.

Modalità di partecipazione:
Per partecipare all'evento è obbligatorio registrarsi sulla piattaforma Career Services nella sezione eventi entro e non oltre il 15 marzo 2019.

Ti ricordiamo l'importanza della puntualità per accedere ai posti in sala, è consigliato un abbigliamento business casual.

In caso di superamento degli accrediti disponibili, l'organizzazione non garantisce i posti a sedere per tutti.    

We are leaders in the Italian market for personal hygiene absorbent products. Founded in Pescara in 1958 by the Angelini's family, since 1992 Fater is an equal share joint venture between the Angelini Group and Procter&Gamble. For more than 50 years Fater has presence in Italian homes through its products: Pampers diapers and wipes, LINES sanitary pads, TAMPAX tampons and LNES SPECIALIST incontinence products. Since 2013, Fater acquired the ACE brand (bleach and house cleaning products), expanding its line of brands.
Today, Fater is an international company operating with the brands ACE, Neoblanc and COMET in Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. A rare example of successful joint venture over a long period of time, Fater bases its growth on its in-depth knowledge of consumers and markets, combined with the application of multinational work methods. Fater is a dynamic company that believes in continuous innovation and it invests 3% of its turnover in Research&Development. Fater Head Quarter is located in Pescara, we have several affiliates in Moscow, Bucharest, Istanbul and Mohammedia and manufacturing plants in Italy (Pescara and Campochiaro), in Portugal (Porto) and Morocco (Mohammedia). Fater counts globally 1,400 employees and 911 million Euros of turnover (ref. 2013/2014 financial statements).
