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Luiss Guido Carli

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Investment Bank Day: LUISS incontra Credit Suisse


Lunedì, 12 Novembre 2018 si terrà il prossimo Investment Bank Day: interverrà Credit Suisse.

L'incontro si terrà presso il LUISS LOFT alle ore 10.15 di Viale Romania, 32.


  • Elisa Bianco, Vice President
  • Federico Imbert, Managing Director / CEO Credit Suisse in Italy
  • Andrea Donzelli, Managing Director / Co-Head IBMC Italy
  • Christian Beretta, Director

Seguirà spazio per Q&A e networking con studenti di III anno triennale, I e II anno magistrale DIM e DEF e degli studenti di III, IV e V anno di Giurisprudenza.

Vi ricordiamo l'importanza della puntualità per accedere ai posti in sala, è consigliato un abbigliamento formale. I posti sono limitati.

In caso di superamento degli accrediti disponibili, l'organizzazione non garantisce i posti a sedere per tutti.

Per partecipare occorre registrarsi sulla piattaforma Career Center nella sezione eventi 


With more than 45,000 employees, and 300 offices in 50 countries, Credit Suisse operates in all major markets in the world. Its employees come from 150 nations and work in teams across national borders and business areas. An industry leader, Credit Suisse has a leading investment bank, a top private bank and strong asset management capabilities. We as Credit Suisse have a flat organization and welcoming, yet collaborative, culture focused on innovation where you are viewed as an individual and encouraged to play on your strengths. Credit Suisse is looking for future talents with strong quantitative and analytical background, excellent communication skills and good team players oriented to results. We will help you build a successful career as our training platform is one of the best in the industry; our extensive employee networks provide growth and support, and help with career development; our internal mobility program provides extensive opportunities to change roles, countries, businesses. There is no better time to join us. So come and learn more about internship opportunities open to you.