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Luiss Guido Carli

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Investment Bank Day: LUISS incontra J.P. Morgan


Venerdì 21 settembre 2018  l'Ateneo ospita il prossimo Investment Bank Day con J.P. Morgan.

L'appuntamento inizia alle ore 17:45 in aula 200 presso la sede LUISS di Viale Romania, 32.

L'apertura dei lavori è a cura del Prof. Giovanni Fiori, Prorettore LUISS alle Relazioni Corporate

Gli speaker dell'incontro sono:

Angelo Monfredi

Managing Director


Davide Battistini

Vice President


Martina Villani


Wealth Management

Gaia Panzeri


Wealth Management

Andrea Turrini


Investment Banking

Guido Starna

Vice President

Investment Banking

Lorenzo Bettini

Vice President

Credit Risk

Silvia Procacci



Seguirà spazio per Q&A e networking con studenti di III anno triennale, I e II anno magistrale DIM e DEF e degli studenti di III, IV e V anno di Giurisprudenza.    

Modalità di partecipazione:

Per partecipare all'evento è obbligatorio registrarsi sulla piattaforma Career Services nella sezione eventi.

Ricordiamo l'importanza della puntualità per accedere ai posti in sala, è consigliato un abbigliamento business casual. In caso di superamento degli accrediti disponibili, l'organizzazione non garantisce i posti a sedere per tutti.      

Banking is a vital part of the world's economy and everyday life. Over the last 200 years J.P. Morgan has evolved as a business to meet the ever-changing needs of some of the world's largest companies as well as many of the smaller businesses that are a cornerstone of local communities. Their team of employees work tirelessly to do the right thing for their clients, shareholders and the firm every day.

J.P Morgan's strength lies not only in the quality of its products, but also within the invaluable power of its employees. Harnessing the diversity of its people, J.P. Morgan values people with different talents, ranging from Investment Banking to Technology, Operations and Human Resources.

J.P. Morgan is looking for collaborative future leaders who have passion, creativity and exceptional interpersonal skills. Impeccable academic credentials are important, but so are achievements outside the classroom. Working with a team committed to doing their best, earning the trust of their clients and encouraging employees to fulfil their potential. That's what it means to be part of J.P. Morgan.     
