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Luiss Guido Carli

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Internship opportunity in the EU/Economic Team at British Embassy Rome


Internship opportunity in the EU/Economic Team at British Embassy Rome 

The EU/Economic Section of the British Embassy in Rome is seeking an intern for a period of six months starting from early September 2018. The section analyses and reports on a number of varied areas including the Italian domestic economy, the tax system, EU affairs, financial and banking issues, labour, welfare, education and public administration. Our main customers in the UK administration are strongly interested in all aspects of the Italian economy, ranging from macro-economic reports to specific industrial sectors or updates on new legislation. 

In the forthcoming months the EU/Economic Section also expects some official visits by members of the UK government. These will require the team’s involvement in preparing briefings and ensuring their smooth running. 


  • · monitoring Italian media sources and identifying relevant issues based on the section’s priority themes; 
  • · contributing to reports on the main developments in the Italian economy; 
  • · preparing ad-hoc reports on specific economic issues; 
  • · providing administrative and logistic support for the delivery of programmes of high-level UK visits and/or events organised by the EU/Economic Team; 
  • · contact database updating and maintenance; 
  • · attending ministerial briefings or conferences and drafting the follow-up reports; 
  • · taking part in a wide range of embassy activities and events. 


  • · economic studies background; 
  • · fluent spoken and written English; 
  • · organisational and interpersonal skills; 
  • · ability to work under pressure and prioritise the tasks assigned; 
  • · ability to work independently but also as part of a highly dynamic team. 


The ‘tirocinio curriculare’ is intended for undergraduate students only as part of their education/studies. The candidate will have to go through a selection process by way of an interview, both written and oral. 

Prior to appointment of the successful candidate, the Embassy will have to sign an agreement (Convenzione di Tirocinio) with the university setting out the arrangements including tutor, health& safety and insurance cover. 

The intern will be granted a number of credits (crediti formativi) as indicated by the university. The internship is not a work contract and as such is not paid. However the Embassy will pay the intern a monthly allowance of €350 per month. This amount is not subject to tax under current local legislation. The intern would be expected to work an average of 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday, within the range of 9.00 am – 5pm. Some degree of flexibility is expected, mostly in case of seminars and events. Flexibility is ensured by the whole section to accommodate the intern’s need in case of university exams or personal reasons. 

Other administrative details are set out in the university ‘progetto formativo’ to be signed once appointed to the internship. 

Applications (covering letter + CV in English) will have to come through the university by 1st of July 2018.

Please note that applications will have to come through the university abiding to the Italian law: DM 142/98. Individual applications shall not be considered. Interested students can liaise with the "Ufficio Stages" of their Faculty or University which should send us the application(s). Individual applications not coming through an eligible institution will not be acknowledged or considered for an internship. 

Confirmation of the internship is subject to security clearance and reference check with the university.