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Luiss Guido Carli

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A.T. Kearney LGBTQI + Academy March 22-23, Berlin

                                         37pmWe invite you to join us for the A.T. Kearney LGBTQI + Academy which will take place March 22-23 in Berlin—one of the coolest and most vibrant cities in Europe. Program

Join A.T. Kearney for two days in the heart of Berlin to find out about the numerous opportunities for LGBTQI+ students at A.T. Kearney. You will test and develop your business skills, sharpen your problem-solving abilities, and explore the world of strategy consulting at A.T. Kearney.

You will receive professional skills training, explore innovative projects, and collaborate with consultants to solve a real-life case before presenting the case to partners on the program’s final day.

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a mix of fun team activities and social events that will allow you to discover our culture and people in a comfortable setting.


Why is this event restricted to LGBTQI+ applicants?
We hold hundreds of recruiting events across Europe every year that are open to students at a particular school/city/degree type but only 1-2 targeted at LGBTQI+ students. The model works very well in North America and is a practical way for our LGBTQI+ employee network (GALA) to meet students from a range of countries of schools.

If I apply for this event, will my sexual orientation be disclosed to the office to which I might ultimately apply for full-time employment?
We expect all of our offices to be open and tolerant of different sexual orientations and gender identities, but can, of course, hold your details confidential if you wish. This is also the basis on which our employee network operates – most of us are “out” but there is, of course, the option to be only “out to the network”.

Who do you expect to apply?
We are focusing on applicants who are studying in Europe for their first degree or a Master's immediately following on from their first degree, not MBA students or people with full-time work experience. (Such candidates are of course very welcome to apply to join us through regular recruiting channels – ask us for advice).

Are there other conditions on who can apply to join the Academy?
We are keen to invite applicants who would qualify for a full-time role at A.T. Kearney, recognizing that you may not have made up your mind about long-term career options. We will, therefore, screen applicants using criteria such as academic grades/languages/eligibility to work that would apply to the country in which you are studying. If you expect to work in a different country after university, please state that in your application. 
