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Luiss Guido Carli

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LUISS Company Visit Stockholm 2017: Open for Applications

Stockholm Company visit LUISS

Are you a student or graduating soon in Management or in Economics and Finance? Are you interested in knowing more about careers in the entrepreneurship and start-up sector?

Ericsson, King, Electrolux and Spotify are happy to host a group of pre-selected LUISS students on October 25, 26 and 27 in their headquarters in Stockholm.

Students will have the chance to learn more about the five companies, their organization models and working environment. The aim of the visit is to experience the peculiarity of different career paths in the entrepreneurship and start-up sector and get insights about the roles open to newly-graduated and soon to graduate students.

How to participate:

Send your CV to  writing in the subject box the REF: 'Company Visit 2017 – Stockholm' by October 11.

Please note: Hotel accommodation will be provided by LUISS. Students will support flight costs.