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Luiss Guido Carli

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Apply now to Accenture Strategy's Global Case Challenge 2018


Following on the success of last year's program, Accenture Strategy is delighted to launch the 2018 Global Case Challenge, working with its client Oxfam International.

There are all sorts of student challenges and competitions, but none quite like

Accenture Strategy’s Global Case Challenge.


You will work with a real Accenture client – Oxfam International – to help them solve one of the biggest  tests they face. You will craft a solution as a student group, supported by invaluable mentoring and coaching that will show you what strategy consulting is really all about.


If successful, you will join the March 2018 London Final, earning an internship that will shape your career, just like Hebrienne.

If you are:

  • Eager to gain world-class strategy insights and experiences

  • Fluent in English

  • Ready to transform the digital future

Then get ready to go beyond business, and apply online today!

 Deadline to apply is November 15th, 2017.

 If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: