The GMAT is a widely used and requested certificate both in academic and professional circles: being able to add this to your CV is an added value and many universities require it as an indispensable prerequisite for access.
The GMAT is also a pre-requirement for the QTEM Program – students interested in this program are strongly invited to participate.
If you would like more information, attend this seminar organized by the Career Services Office.
The presentation will take place on November 22, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at LUISS on Viale Romania 32, room 308C (the blue room).
Giuseppe Ruggieri, CEO MasterPrep at MasterPrep International, will be the speaker.
Those interested are asked to apply by sending an e-mail to indicating their last name, first name, matriculation number, LUISS degree program and Ref. GMAT TEST.
Spaces are limited.