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Luiss Guido Carli

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Presentation with Associazione Diplomatici - Change the World Model United Nations


On Wednesday April 27, at 5:30 p.m. in the area in front of the Viale Romania campus bar, all LUISS students will have the opportunity to meet Associazione Diplomatici, a non-profit organization that provides international training programs to young students. Associazione Diplomatici is also an official partner of the United Nations and permanent observer at the ECOSOC - United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Every year the Association organizes the Change the World Model UN, with stages in Rome, New York and in the United Arab Emirates. During the presentation, the Association will introduce the next appointment with CWMUN 2016, to be held November 9-16 in the Emirates, focusing on the following topic: Economic development, conflicts and political instability: the Middle East at the center of a new world.

After the presentation students will have the chance to meet the main coordinators of the association based in Rome and testimonials who attended the Change the World Model UN in the last years, to ask for information on the program and about their next activities.