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Luiss Guido Carli

Logo Luiss

Fishackathon 2016 will take place on Earth Day Weekend (April 22-24)! #codeforfish


Fishackathon 2016 will take place on Earth Day Weekend (April 22-24)! #codeforfish

Fishackathon is a public-private partnership that aims to capitalize on the expansion of mobile phone and internet use across the developing world to address sustainable fishery challenges. The annual Fishackathon event calls on coders and science enthusiasts from all around the world to come together to create new applications and tools for use on mobile phones and other devices, which can help fishers work smarter and more safely in sustainable fishing.


The 9 featured problem statements have been qualified for post-Fishackathon engagement by both the submitting party and by our expert panel. Problem Statements will officially be released on Friday, April 22 at each host site and 6pm EST for virtual Fishackathon participants.

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