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LUISS Career Day for International Organizations - 4th edition

LUISS Career Day for International Organizations - 4th edition

The Fourth Annual Edition of the LUISS Career Day for International Organizations will take place on March 31, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at LUISS Guido Carli - Room 200 - Viale Romania, 32. 

Why join the Career Day for International Organizations? 

This international career day will allow you to find out about professional opportunities, meet with representatives of international organizations, and exchange ideas regarding your professional goals. The aim of this fair is to create the possibility of interaction between students, graduates and international organizations. Moreover, students and graduates will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet the representatives of international businesses which operates at the global level.

The fair will consist of informative desks, set up by prestigious international entities as U.N. agencies, various international organizations and NGOs, research centers and think tanks. If you wish to enhance your professional experiences, you are welcome to participate!

How to prepare

The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Formal dress code
  • Be informed about the importance and the actual commitments of participating organizations
  • Prepare some specific questions for the different representatives
  • Remember to bring with your most updated resume (both in English and Italian)

Don't miss this opportunity and stay tuned for further information!

The following organizations will take part:

  • Amnesty International - Sezione Italiana
  • Amref Health Africa Onlus
  • Carriere internazionali 
  • Ce.S.I. Italia  - Centro Studi Internazionali
  • Comitato Italiano per l'UNICEF - Onlus
  • Commissione Europea - Rappresentanza in Italia
  • COSPE onlus
  • Emergency
  • Fondazione Telethon 
  • HopeXchange Medical Center 
  • ICC ITALIA - Camera di Commercio Internazionale Comitato Nazionale Italiano
  • IDLO (International Developement Law Organization)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Developement (IFAD)
  • INTERSOS - Humanitarian Organization
  • Italian Red Cross
  • Legambiente Onlus
  • Medici Senza Frontiere Onlus
  • Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile Nazionale
  • Save The Children Italia Onlus
  • Servizio Civile Internazionale Italia
  • SISCOS - Servizi per la cooperazione internazionale 
  • SOS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus
  • Susan G.Komen Italia
  • The World Bank Group
  • UN/DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Office in Rome
  • UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency
  • UNIDO ITPO Italy - United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Italy
  • UNICRI - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
  • World Food Programme

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