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Luiss Guido Carli

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EU CAREERS Virtual Career Fair 2016

The Career Services Office informs:

European Union institutions employ 40,000 people from a wide variety of cultural, educational, and professional backgrounds who are united by their passion for Europe. 

Staff enjoy a truly multicultural work environment. They are all professionals in their own field and excellent team players. With their enthusiasm and knowledge they contribute to the prosperity not only of Europe, but also to the world at large. We are looking for people who have something more than just knowledge and professional skills: the drive to deliver results and the ability to work effectively as part of a multicultural team.

EPSO is organising a virtual career fair, open on February 24, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. (Brussels time). It will be a great opportunity to learn about careers with EU institutions: job opportunities, eligibility criteria and selection procedures.

Register and log back in on February 24 when the fair will be live in order to get access to our virtual event.

More information and registration