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Luiss Guido Carli

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UniCredit International Internship Program


The third UniCredit International Internship Program is now open!

The competition offers 54 grants to students for a summer internship abroad at UniCredit, in any of the following countries: Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, United Kingdom.

The internship will take place during the Summer 2016.

Each winner will receive a grant of €700 per month after tax for the entire duration of the internship abroad.

In addition, the Foundation will pay the winners a fixed amount of €1,000 for travel, visa or any other expenses.

Candidates may only apply online using the platform on the UniCredit website at  -

See more at:  

Manifesto UniCredit Internship Program 2016_fin.pdf99.48 KB