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Luiss Guido Carli

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Invest your talent in Italy: scholarships for international students

49pmLUISS Guido Carli, along with 21 other Italian universities, is a partner of the Invest your talent in Italy program, which in 2016-2017, offers a unique opportunity to students from Azerbaijan, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam to bring their their talent to Italy and develop their skills through a range of master’s and post-graduate courses, entirely taught in English, in prestigious Italian universities. 

The program aims at focusing both on the academic and the professional development of students, combining lectures with practical on-the-job training with an Italian company. Furthermore, students will have the chance to attend Italian language courses and to participate to cultural activities offered by the university.

Once selected, students will have access to a variety of services and assistance such as scholarships, fee reductions and exemptions, welcome and support service from their arrival to the end of their academic career. 

The Invest your talent in Italy program is supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the Italian Trade Agency - ICE, Uni – Italia, Unioncamere and Confindustria. 

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