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Luiss Guido Carli

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Bloomberg Recruiting Day on 5th November, from 4pm to 7:15pm

 Bloomberg Logo

The career services office is organizing a meeting with Bloomberg 

Are you a student interested in Finance? Are you fluent in English?

Please come to Bloomberg Recruiting Day on 5th November, from 4pm to 7:15pm. Room Toti - LUISS University, V.le Romania 32, Rome


  • Finance workshop (4 to 5pm) speaker: Flaminia Forneris - Bloomberg Italian Sales Representative 
  • CV/interview presentation (5 to 7.15pm) speaker: Hannah Jennings - Bloomberg Graduate recruitment specialist 

Job opportunities:

1) Global data permanent role 

2) Analytics and Sales permanent role  

3) Analytics and Sales internship role  

If yes, please send your cv to, specifying Bloomberg Recruiting Day in the object, to participate and have the chance to meet the Recruiters.


Bloomberg delivers critical information in a world where information matters. We give influential decision makers in business, finance and government a competitive edge by connecting them to a dynamic network of news, people and ideas. To do that, we need a constant flow of ideas, energy and innovation-which is where you come in.