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Luiss Guido Carli

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Internships at the Boston Consulting Group offices in Brussels


The Boston Consulting Group offices in Brussels have an internship program for university students, lasting for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, in the summer or during the academic year. They also have a 10 weeks summer program directed specifically towards MBA candidates.


Interns will be staffed as full integrated members on a case team. They will receive orientational training, and on-the-job coaching from senior BCG members.


  • Candidates for the 4-6 weeks program should be enrolled in a Master's program for Economics or Management 
  • Candidates for the 10 weeks summer program should be enrolled in a Master of Business Administration
  • Candidates should be fluent in English and French


The application should be sent  by registering on their website, filling in the online form and uploading your CV and cover letter.


Applications should be sent during the first semester of your penultimate year of study.

You may apply throughout the year for an internship during the academic year.