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Luiss Guido Carli

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Internships at ECIPE - European Centre for International Political Economy


ECIPE has an internship programme (internships are salaried) and accepts two candidates every semester in Brussels or Stockholm.


Interns will participate in all of ECIPE's work and will undergo a training programme that is designed after their future career interests. Interns assist ECIPE scholars with research assistance and participate in research programmes.


Candidates should have a Master's degree in economics (international economics/trade economics), international political economy, European integration, or an equivalent discipline relevant for ECIPE's research profile. For non-economist applicants: basic knowledge of economics and good numerical skills, including MS Excel.

We are particularly looking for candidates with an excellent academic record and with a strong interest for a future career in academia, journalism, or policy making.

Interns should have excellent writing skills and should be fluent in English.


The application should include:

  • Letter of interest explaining why you would like to do an internship with ECIPE (1 page);
  • CV with two academic references;
  • MA/MSc dissertation in English (if your MA/MSc dissertation will be finished soon after the deadline, send your BA/BSc dissertation and a research outline of the MA/MSc dissertation)


Applications for the fall internships (starting September/October) should be sent to ECIPE ( no later than May 1.

Applications for spring internships (starting February/March) should be sent to ECIPE ( no later than December 1.

Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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