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European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS): Traineeships


Traineeships (period September 2015 – January 2016)

From September 2015, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is providing a limited number of traineeships to candidates who have obtained their Master's degree.

The main task of trainees will be to assist the Institute's team of Analysts under the supervision of the Documentation and Research Officer, who is responsible for the programme. Work will be primarily focused on research, while certain administrative tasks may also occasionally be entrusted to trainees.

The traineeship will be for a period of 5 months, running from the beginning of September 2015 to the end of January 2016. According to the background and experience of the selected trainees, the traineeship will be based either at the Institute's headquarters in Paris or at the EUISS Brussels Liaison Office. Please mention your (non-binding) preference in the application.

Trainees will be awarded a stipend of €1,000 net per calendar month. Paris-based trainees will receive an additional €200 net as a cost-of-living adjustment. They are expected to be present at the Institute during normal working hours, although justified absences may be authorised by the Documentation and Research Officer (France) or the Brussels Liaison Officer (Belgium) upon request. Trainees are entitled to 1.5 day's leave per month, as well as statutory holidays.

The Institute regrets that it cannot pay for travel expenses or accommodation, nor can it assist trainees in finding accommodation in Paris or Brussels.

The deadline for applications is 4 May 2015, 18:00 CET. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.


- Candidates must be citizens of an EU member state;

- Candidates must have completed at least a Master's degree in a field related to political science, international relations, or equivalent;

- Candidates should have an excellent command of at least one of the Institute's main working languages (English and French); knowledge of additional languages is an asset;

- Candidates should ideally have work experience in a field related to security and defence policy;

- Candidates with knowledge of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply: China (including Mandarin speakers); Iran (including Farsi speakers); Latin America; cybersecurity;

- Health and accident insurance is compulsory. The EUISS does not provide such insurance. Proof of insurance must be presented to the EUISS at the latest on the first day of the traineeship and should be valid for the entire period of the traineeship.

Instructions for applicants:

- Complete the online application form;

• Attach a detailed CV (.pdf or .doc/x);

• Attach a cover letter addressed to Philip Worré, Documentation and Research Officer, outlining the reasons for the candidate's interest in the Institute's traineeship programme and the applicant's main strengths.

Decisions will be communicated by email by the end of June.

Click here to download the rules governing the traineeship programme at the EUISS.

(For traineeships taking place in the first half of 2016, a new application period will open in autumn 2015)

Τhe processing of personal data by the EUISS is governed by Regulation (EC) N°45/2001. By submitting an application for a traineeship, the applicant consents to the processing of the personal data contained in the application form and the supporting documents enclosed therewith, in the sense of Article 5 (a) of the Regulation. The personal data in question is collected by the EUISS for the sole purpose of the selection of trainees.