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Luiss Guido Carli

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BNP Paribas - Ace Manager 2015

Ace Manager BNP Paribas

Dear Student,

just to remind you that it's only a few days left for the first registration of Ace Manager 7.

What's new in Ace Manager 2015? Two sessions available so that contestants can address more financial topics and have a second chance to take part.

1st session: Registration period: 15 Oct. 2014 – 2 Apr. 2015

Competition period: 10 Apr. 2015 – 27 Apr. 2015

2nd session: Registration period: 2 Apr. 2015 – 22 May 2015

Competition period: 1 Jun. 2015 – 16 Jun. 2015

An online e-learning platform with previous cases and sample tests to help the students better understand the Ace Manager game.