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Luiss Guido Carli

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Natixis Graduate Program

Natixis Graduate Program

Natixis, the corporate, investment, insurance and financial services arm of Groupe BPCE France's second largest banking player, is launching a pan European Graduate Program.

Have you graduated from a top-ranked European University, Engineering or Business school? Do you wish to join a large banking group which offers you the opportunity of a challenging and international career? Join us!

During the 18-month Graduate Program, you will gain hands-on experience in different investment banking businesses in 3 European countries. You will build up your knowledge of Natixis CIB strategy and network with international teams of banking experts.

Over three six-month placements, you will receive training in all of our CIB activities (Trading, Coverage & Advisory and Structured Finance), firstly in London before moving to one of our platforms in Frankfurt, Madrid or Milan with a final six-month placement in Paris.

We are looking for commitment, team spirit and flexibility. You will be liaising with management, with the support of highly experienced managers; our objective is that you feel valued as a fully integrated member of our team.

As well as benefiting from technical and operational training, you will have the opportunity to obtain first class professional qualifications (CFA). 

How to apply?

Send your resume and application letter from March 16th to April 17th on Natixis website.

HR interviews in May will take place in nearest branch of our Emea platform

Interviews with managers will be held in June in London

Final selection by the Jury will be disclosed in June 2015

If you are selected, you will join our teams in London next September.

All information on


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