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Luiss Guido Carli

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Hutong School: Webinar - How to get a job in China?


On March 14th, 11am GMT+1, Hutong School will organize an online seminar on "How to get a job in China?".

"China is one of the biggest economies in the world and attracts many young people from all over the world who wish to gain valuable professional experience in China and prepare themselves for the Chinese century. Yet, getting a job in China is no easy feat and requires adequate preparation and a good understanding of the right channels to use. During this Webinar, Laura Corazzi, International Relations Manager of Hutong School, will provide more insight and share tips for finding that valuable first job in China". 

Registration: Please register before March 12th to reserve your spot. Limit of 100 participants.

Participation in this webinar is free. 

For more information
