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Luiss Guido Carli

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Barclays Investment Banking Presentation at LUISS

Barclays Investment Banking LUISS

Friday 6 March, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Location: LUISS, Viale Romania 32, Rome (Room 209)

Fast paced and international, Barclays Investment Banking Division will see you working and learning in the world's ever-changing financial markets. It's in the Investment Banking Division that complex global solutions in financial advisory, capital raising and risk management are created. They're delivered to major clients such as corporations, governments and financial institutions. And you'll be involved in every stage.

Our Presentation

This event is a great opportunity hear more about Barclays directly from our representatives from the Investment Banking Division and learn more about the Internship and Graduate opportunities in our London and Milan Offices.

One of our Campus Recruiters will also be available to give you information about the application process as well as tips on building a C.V. and interview techniques.

To register your attendance, please send an email with the LUISS account ( to

For further information about Barclays Internship & Graduate opportunities, please consult our website
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

More information

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