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Luiss Guido Carli

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Become an Intern at Green Budget Europe


Become an intern at Green Budget Europe starting in March for 5-6 months in Brussels

Green Budget Europe (GBE) is a Europe-wide expert platform which works to promote dialogue and deliver progress on environmental fiscal reform (EFR) and on Market Based Instruments (MBI) internationally, at EU level, and in individual European states. We disseminate information about and promote fiscal and budgetary policies that take climate, environment and sustainability issues into account and support partner organisations in their campaigns. By implementing environmental taxes, countries can:

  • Cut pollution
  • Conserve scare resources
  • Enhance social equity through a careful and considered approach to reform 

You will be given the opportunity to support GBE in all its activities

Deadline for applications is February 11th 2015, 1 pm CET. 

More information