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Luiss Guido Carli

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Study abroad with the Fudan DDIM


The Double Degree in International Management (DDIM) with Fudan School of Management, taught entirely in English and offered to students who intend to enroll in the LUISS master’s degree program in Management – all majors is accepting applications until May 15, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.

To be eligible to apply, non-LUISS students will need to take the LUISS admission test on March 5 (the registration deadline for the test is March 2).

Upon completion of the two-year program, in which students spend one year at LUISS and one year at Fudan in Shanghai, China, students will both a master’s degree in Management from LUISS and a Chinese master’s degree (Suoshi) in International Business from Fudan.

With eight departments and twenty research centers, the Fudan School of Management is internationally accredited by EQUIS and AACSB, and is a member of the Partnership in International Management.