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Luiss Guido Carli

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International opportunities with the QTEM Master program

QTEM UserThe QTEM Master program, taught entirely in English and offered to students who wish to enroll or are currently enrolled in the first year of the LUISS master’s degree program in Economia e Finanza with a major in Banche e Intermediari Finanziari, Economics or Finance, and to students currently enrolled in the first year of the LUISS master’s degree program in Management with a major in Corporate Finance is accepting applications until February 6 at 1:00 p.m.

Upon completion of the two-year program, in which students spend one year at LUISS and two semesters in two different partner universities, students will obtain a master’s degree from LUISS as well as the QTEM supra-national certificate issued by the QTEM network.

Participating universities include Monash University in Australia, HEC Lausanne in Switzerland, EDHEC in France and Zhejiang University in China.