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Luiss Guido Carli

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Graduate positions ad HM-Treasury.

HM Treasury

A graduate role at HM Treasury puts you at the centre of policy formulation in government. And because we're at the centre, you'll find a place to revel in your responsibility and the contribution you can make to shaping the nation's future.

Your time with us begins with a structured induction and eighteen months in a Policy Adviser role that features real responsibilities from day one in the job. After that, we expect you to move around, learn more and gain even more experiences. Looking to the longer term, your time at the Treasury will open up a wealth of career paths, in or outside the Civil Service.

All information available at:

Flavio Mondello, LUISS graduate and actually employed at the HM Treasury is available to support you in the application process..

Do not miss this opportunity.. the deadline for the application is next November 30th!