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Luiss Guido Carli

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LUISS - 10MinutesWith Partnership is an all-in-one platform designed to help you on your career journey.

Understand the job. Understand the company. Make your application count.

#jobs #career #advice

Here's how:

• Student profiles enable you to upload information about your education, grades, skills and more, allowing you to be headhunted by companies globally.

• Video interviews with top industry professionals provide you with real insights into roles, careers and industries, along with valuable career advice. The more video interviews you watch, the more visible you are to companies.

• Company profiles ranging from start-ups to large MNCs across different geographies and industries, allowing you to learn more about companies you do and do not know.

• Internship, graduate programs and MBA positions are available on the platform. This allows you to apply for both local and international positions.

• A career blog section provides additional career advice and experiences from fellow students and career coaches to help you along your career journey.

Sign up at it's free

See more about 10MinutesWith watching the following video: