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Luiss Guido Carli

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China Hutong school! Webinar: How to get a job in China?


• Basic information about China
• Getting a job in China: how to get started?
• Requirements (taxes, skills, visa, ...)
• Chinese job market for foreigners
• Life in China

Time: Saturday October 25th, 10am UTC+1 (London), 11am UTC+2 (Central Europe), 7pm UTC+10 (Australia)
Duration: 1hour: online presentation + Q&A
Software: There is no special software required for the webinar, only a web browser and headset.
Registration: Please register before October 23rd. Reserve your spot quickly. Webinar is limited to 100 participants. Attending is free.

About the lecturer: Ms. Laura Corazzi
Ms. Laura Corazzi, Labour Economist and International Relations Manager of Hutong School, lived for almost 4 years in Beijing where she started as an intern in 2010. Before moving to Beijing she lived in Rome (where she studied) and London (where she obtained a certificate for higher education in contemporary dance). She recently relocated to Milan and is now in charge of Business Development and International Relations for Hutong School in Europe. 

About the organizing entity: Hutong School
Hutong School was founded in 2005 in order to provide Western students, graduates and young professionals internships and Chinese language courses in China. It is the only fully licensed Chinese language school under European management and is the school of choice for anyone who wants to study Chinese or find an internship in China.
In addition to being an exquisite language school, since its foundation, Hutong School also operates as an internship provider. In June 2012 Hutong School acquired Internship Network Asia, and has now the biggest network of partner companies in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu.

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