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Luiss Guido Carli

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Nomura Women’s Networking Event in Milan

Nomura Women's Networking Event
Thursday 30 October 2014, 19h00 – 21h00

Nomura is an Asia-based financial services group with an integrated global network spanning over 30 countries. By connecting markets East & West, Nomura services the needs of individuals, institutions, corporates and governments through its three business divisions: Retail, Asset Management, and Wholesale (Global Markets and Investment Banking). Founded in 1925, the firm is built on a tradition of disciplined entrepreneurship, serving clients with creative solutions and considered thought leadership.

We are looking for the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders to make an impression on our future. If you are keen to be a part of a highly nimble and diverse workforce that offers opportunities for you to build a long term career, come and discover more about Nomura. This could be a perfect fit for you.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to come along and meet some very talented people from Nomura, who will be there to share their thoughts and experiences with each of you. The event will comprise of a speed networking session with both senior and junior representatives from our firm, as well as a cocktail networking reception with other business representatives from both Investment Banking & Global Markets.

Location: Hotel Milano Scala, Via dell'Orso 7, 20121, Milano

Date: Thursday 30 October 2014

Time: 19h00 – 21h00

**Please submit your CV and cover letter to under the Events section by Sunday 26th October.** 

Nomura Women Cocktail Networking Evening - 30th October.pdf139.85 KB