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Luiss Guido Carli

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The Vodafone Discover Program - Recruiting Day 24th October For LUISS Guido Carli Students

About the Program:

Jumpstart your career at Vodafone with the Discover Program where you'll experience one year of job rotations across the business learning from the finest minds in the field, using cutting-edge technology and experience ongoing opportunities to progress your career both nationally and internationally.

Who we are looking for:

We're looking for ambitious and analytical candidates, passionate about joining Vodafone and changing lives of people all around the world.

  • Outstanding academic record;
  • Good interpersonal communication skills;
  • Proven ability to work within diverse teams;
  • Ability to communicate and work in English;

Career Paths:

  • Commercial Operations;
  • Product & Services;
  • Human Resources;
  • Online Services;
  • Marketing,
  • Sales;

Send your C.V. or resume' by 2nd October to: - Subject: RD LUISS – Vodafone Discover Program

*Selected candidates will be contacted telephonically and invited to interview