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Luiss Guido Carli

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Tee-Hee ASIA Internship for 3 Months per Studenti del 3° e 4° anno in Economia

Tee-Hee ASIA is a communication agencies with many languages and diverse skills to draw upon, ensuring that we bring the best of our global experience to our clients. Our main business is advertising, marketing and communication. Please see our website if you're interested in us (

We will have the interns work in our Marketing Department, and use their support for the development of the projects.

We need some students who are interested in social media and could help us to search information and update the database for our marketing analysis and research.

It'll be plus if they're interested in start-up process and new technologies. They will be part of the development of a new product and the market product placement process.

Frequent meetings and cooperation between the team, we need to invite them working with tee-hee ASIA in Shanghai.

We will provide a reimburse of 3.000 rmb but the interns need to afford their own accommodation and flight fee.

If you would like to apply for the above role, please send us a copy of your C.V. along with a covering letter in English to: (deadline 15/09/2014)