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Luiss Guido Carli

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Unicredit: Impact Graduate Program - Recruiting Day, 25th September

As a major financial institution, UniCredit thrives in a truly international dimension. We span 50 countries and give growth opportunities to people who share our excitement for constantly building on our local roots and strong European identity.

Impact Graduate Program is a 24-month development journey, which gives you a unique insight into UniCredit. Thanks to a rotational path, you will get to know various business lines and areas of the bank, acquiring skills and competencies, and creating your own network.

We'll support your professional and personal growth. This is our commitment.

Our offer to you:

Our Graduate Program is composed of three job rotations of approximately eight months each. The first rotation is in Commercial Banking, to learn about our service model and our most valued asset: our clients. The other two rotations are individually defined according to your target area, career aspirations, academic background and business needs.

· Target areas: Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, Pioneer Investments, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions, Group Risk Management, Audit, Planning, Finance and Administration, Compliance, Group Identity & Communication, Group Clients Internationalization, Group Organization & Logistics, Human Resources

· In depth induction

· On- and off-the-job learning

· Networking activities and events

· Structured feedback sessions

· Visibility to Top Management

· Unlimited contract

Our ideal candidate meets the following requirements:

· Master's Degree with a minimum score of 105/110 (we accept Graduates between March 2013 and December 2014)

· Minimum of six months work/internship experience

· Minimum of six months international experience

· Fluency in Italian and English (certified B2-level)

· Full-time availability starting from February 2015

· Mobility

· Strong interest for the banking and financial sector

How to apply:

· Read all about Impact at - Studenti & Laureati section

· Send CV + Impact Cover Letter (to download at our website) + English Certification at  by September 5th


Impact Recruiting Day LUISS.pdf165.94 KB