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Luiss Guido Carli

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Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders (ACCEL) Fellowship

The Atlantic Council and Ecologic Institute are currently accepting applications for the Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders (ACCEL) Fellowship. ACCEL aims to train the next generation of Arctic Ambassadors and is a unique summer opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, interested in building careers focused on international security, environmental issues, shipping and trade, energy and natural resources, or public relations and diplomacy.  Two paid positions are available in Washington, DC and Berlin for ACCEL fellows dedicated to helping launch this program.  Fellows will receive a living stipend, expenses-paid participation in the Arctic Circle Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, September 5-7, 2014, access to Ecologic's Arctic Summer College summer seminars, and unparalleled networking in the global Arctic community. ACCEL Fellows will be chosen through an online essay contest with public voting to select winners.  More information about the fellowship and the application process can be found at The application has two deadlines: March 30 and April 13. Applications can be submitted at